Made for your business...
Eau Naturale specializes in fragrance and cosmetics formulation, marketing, and consulting. Our expertise will enable you to take your cosmetics or fragrance idea from concept to launch. Whether it be helping to find the right scent for your skincare lotion, designing a custom natural perfume, or the reformulation of your existing product. We have extensive experience in raw material sourcing, natural fragrance formulation, marketing, and modern production techniques.We can work with you and your company brand to find the right solution. For more information contact us:
After working a decade in environmental science and oil & gas, Irene moved to Paris and then Padova, Italy; studying under various professionals in the industry. She was the first from Canada to achieve the EFCM a European Fragrance and Cosmetics Master: a double master's degree with Master of Science in Fragrance & Cosmetics and Master of Business & Management. Although she's worked in developing both cosmetics and fragrances, Irene's true passion lies in natural perfumery.
Perfume is the invisible, it is neither needed nor required yet it is loved and cherished by the French.
We've taken this passion and melded it with our Canadian roots.
The result is something Clean, Pure, Natural and Extraordinary.